Set Yourself Free to Live a Life you Love!

Heal your Past – Choose your Present – Create your Desired Future 

Are you ready to set yourself free of your past and your past experiences? Are you ready to take control of your life, be empowered and live a life you love?

It’s time to let your limiting beliefs, hurtful thoughts and painful memories come into the light so you can heal what’s locked inside of you and live your life as a true and authentic expression of who you really are. 

The first step to changing your life starts now!

Therapy, Coaching & Empowerment

In my work, I use a unique combination of Resource Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Empowerment Coaching to provide transformative healing, empowerment and practical life-long skills that can be used in all areas of life. 

Resource Therapy is an empowering psychotherapy based on the understanding that the personality is made up of parts.  The use of this therapy skillfully engages with the part of you that needs healing, validation and understanding, to facilitate a deeper, more empowering and longer lasting change.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy focuses on deep-rooted acceptance of what we can’t change, and facilitates committed, valued based action on what you can change… to create a rich, full and meaningful life.

1:1 Single Sessions

Therapy and Coaching sessions (60 min), and Transformative Healing sessions (90 min)

Healing & Empowerment Program

4 Therapy and Coaching sessions paired with 3 Transformative Healing sessions to provide deep healing and empowerment

Freedom Program

6 Therapy and Coaching sessions paired with 4 Transformative Healing sessions to move you into boundless Freedom

My Approach

By working with you to understand what is causing pain in your life, and where in your neural pathways the painful experience memories, negative self-beliefs and emotional trauma is being held, I work directly with the part of you that is holding the emotional pain so that it can be revealed, healed, processed and released.  

In doing so, clients feel unprecedented transformational healing, validation, and empowerment, unlocking and releasing what has been holding them back from living their best life and being their authentic self.   Now is the time to:

  • Release and heal from your past 

  • Remove the limiting beliefs that are holding you back 

  • Realise your true potential

  • Be your authentic self 

  • Empower yourself in the present moment 

  • Live the life you want, according to your values 

The Transformation

Working with me, clients experience transformative results and a deeper, fuller, more joyous connection with life.  By peeling back the layers of painful experiences and by letting go of the negative beliefs, clients connect with their own being; experiencing true self-kindness, self-compassion, self-understanding, self-acceptance and boundless, limitless self-love.


Healing and releasing painful lived experiences and negative self-beliefs so you can be free!


Empowering you to live more freely in the present moment, embracing who you truly are!


Creating unlimited opportunities for growth through self-belief, self-realisation, self-empowerment and self-love!

Hi, I’m Brooke

Hi, I’m Brooke Hatton Ross, Therapist, founder and heart of this empowering purpose-driven business.  

I know that life is not always smooth sailing, and sometimes it’s the most unexpected things that can really throw us off course. I’ve experienced my own traumatic life events and whilst painful, these lived experiences have provided me with opportunities to grow and to discover who I truly am, realising the amazing strength and resources I have within me, and what I value most in life.  In doing so I have empowered myself to create a life I love, with boundless self-confidence, self-love, self-acceptance and self-belief.  

I work with my clients to do the same, empowering them to release painful past experiences so that they too can live a richer, fuller, more meaningful life, according to their values…free to be who they truly are and to live a life they love!

You Are Enough

a free mini-guide to Healing, Empowerment, and Growth

Download my FREE e-Workbook to discover what is holding you back and the steps you can take to Heal your Past – Choose your Present – and Create your desired Future…

Don’t just take my word for it…

“Brooke is an incredibly warm, empathetic therapist who makes you feel comfortable and supported from your first session together. Resource therapy was new to me and Brooke spent the time answering my questions and teaching me how the therapy works in a way that has been accessible and empowering. Brooke meets you wherever you are at and focuses on your unique needs, goals and strengths. I have gained so much from our work together already and I always look forward to the next session. Thank you, Brooke!” 

- Alana B